TIP LINE: 1-229-468-TIPS (8477)
Located in Ocilla, GA (Map)
Email your tip - TIPS
Print and Post Tara Flyers
$100,000 - for safe return
$100,000 - for info leading to arrest/conviction
Call (229) 468-7459

Search Command Center
Irwin County Senior Center
415 West Fourth Street
Ocilla, GA 31774
229 468-0667

Search Schedule
If you are able to volunteer to help the search for Tara, please contact the command center. We appreciate the support of both friends and strangers who have joined together to help.


With the grid search complete we are no longer holding an official daily update as before. There ARE still daily efforts in the search for Tara and we have asked that we be provided with updates as often as possible. Please understand that the men and women who are manning the center are doing so in addition to maintaining their personal day to day responsibilities. Their time is limited and is spent focusing on finding Tara so we cannot promise a daily update - however - we will provide what information they provide to us.

Please check here for information from the Teachers for Tara group. We appreciate their hard work and dedication in the effort to find Tara!

Updates are in PDF format. You must have Adobe Reader to access them. If you do not have it ~ it is a free download.


If you have any information that you believe may be connected to Tara's disappearance, PLEASE contact:
GBI Agent Dominic Turner at (229) 468-7494 or (229) 468-TIPS.


Command One

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The images contained in this site MAY be used to promote the return of Tara Grinstead if you provide a link to this site and an email to the site admin with an explanation of the use of the image. Without following those guidelines, use of the images on this site will be considered a copyright violation. Thanks!